Ragdoll (Cat) Mom is a blog about life with a sweet little Ragdoll. She is "our baby" so that makes me a "Ragdoll Mom."
For the life of me, I can NOT figure out how to make one of those fancy schmancy "buttons" that every respectable blogger has these days. I have tried and tried...but nope...just can't do it. Well, if you are like me...help has arrived (if one of is is the lucky winner of an AWESOME giveaway at Learning Together Hand in Hand. Anissa is giving away (3) Link to Site Buttons and entering the contest is SUPER easy. Just head on over to her site and make a comment. That's your first entry. If you decide to follow her (that entry #2) and so on.... Good Luck *)
The question this week is an easy one. What is your pet peeve. Come on....what is it that REALLY gets under your skin? Drives you bonkers?? Spill it here...just between us. LOL :)
My pet peeve is people who just lack manners (now I am not Miss Etiquette by any means, but I do try to be polite and not act like a fool, you know??) I don't know when it become the "in" thing to NOT RSVP but suddenly NO ONE does it anymore. Have you noticed that?? Also, does ANYONE hold the door open for another human being anymore--much less give up their seat on a crowded subway, bus, or train (guess I must be watching too many old movies on TCM, again, huh?? So, that's my Pet Peeve...tell me yours. If you give me some comment love, I will return the favor. Have a GREAT weekend :)
I can't help it. I love You Tube Videos. Here's another one. (Thanks, Jackie, for sharing the great "Simon's Cats Videos!!) If you have a cat, you will definitely be able to relate to this one--enjoy :)
Happy Easter :) It's Sunday and another round of Quotable Sunday is here. Head over to A Daily Dose of Toni's to sign in with Mr. Linky (and read the rules if you're a newbie) and also to read all of the other great quotes. I promise you will be encouraged, inspired and entertained :) As this is my Ragdoll (Cat) Mom site...more cat/kitten quotes...hope you enjoy them as much as I do...show some comment love and I will return the favor :)